Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Taking the Reins (Dark Days Ranch 4)

Zara is the future alpha to Triple Z. When she discovers Rogue and Cooper hiding in her barn, she instantly knows they’re meant to be mated. But she’s gone down this road before and miraculously survived the loss. Can she risk her heart to mates, again? Especially one who wants her birthright? Or will Zara do what she does best and push them away?

Triple Z is in need of a new alpha, and Rogue is all too willing to step up and make things safer for Dark Days and the rest of their surrounding territories. But when he realizes one of his mates is the daughter to his enemy, things heat up, fast. Can he step up to the role as Triple Z’s leader, or will his duty to his mate overshadow his obligations to his pack?


Love has a way of chasing us down, tackling us to the ground, and making us acknowledge it. In that moment of staring up at the thing that blindsided us, we can find a measure of happiness, if we it let it in even a wee-tiny bit. Poor Rouge. Cooper did just that. Together they did the same thing to Zara.

Rouge want to be a lone wolf. It's all he's ever known, but the mating bond is powerful stuff. He does his best to out run it, but it goes by the name of Cooper, who runs pretty fast himself! Rouge, like his brothers, was born to be an alpha. It seems strange to think he'd run from anything. With that said, love can be a scary thing. He can't fight it. He hide from it. He can't  deny it. So, what does he do? Dominate it.

Cooper isn't about to let Rouge stay a lone wolf. He just wants to make Rouge happy. Finding Zara was the unexpected bonus. In forcing his company on Rouge, Cooper finds himself looking down the hillside on a beautiful creature on horse back suffer the worst possible pain. There's nothing in the world he needs to do more than please Rouge and heal this grieving she-wolf.

Zara isn't just any widow pining for her dearly departed, human  husband. She's the heir to the Triple Z alpha, the man Rouge was sent to take down. The death of her first mate should have killed her, but Zara is made of strong stuff. The question is will she let Rouge and Cooper heal her broken heart or will she turn on them as enemies of her pack? Love has a way of doing funny things when we least expect it.

I liked how this one played on the theme of the series with a twist. In the previous three books, the alpha male was called on to take over a neighboring pack. This story is no different in that respect. The twist is falling in love with the old alpha's daughter. Her decisions and loyalties make a difference in how the story plays out. There are a few surprises along the way that keep this story moving at a good pace. How the death of her first husband plays into her final decision leaves the reader with a sense of justification and satisfaction. I give Taking the Reins by Jenny may 4 stars!

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