Wednesday, February 12, 2014


About Gregory Payne:
When he's not haunting bookstores and libraries, Gregory Payne is writing about people in all their glory, watching quietly from the sidelines. His favorite pastimes include, leering at attractive men at the local gym while pretending to workout, drinking coffee and eavesdropping at the corner cafe, and texting his friends about his other friends, to name only a few. He hopes you enjoy, tales from the pink side because he is working on, more tales from the pink side, coming to you soon. He has massive school girl crushes on: Olivia Newton John, Pamela Sue Martin, Amy Winehouse, Richard Crenna, and the Lawrence Welk Singers.....yes, all of the Lawrence Welk Singers. You can friend him at Facebook at

Before becoming a published author, I had a blog I called Incidental Expenses that became wildly popular in a short period time. Recently my sister asked why I had stopped writing it: she loved the blog, my friends loved the blog, and people I didn’t even know loved the blog, so why was there no blog? The answer was simple; I got published, finally, writing Gay Erotic Romance as Alex Carreras, my pen name. Getting published meant staying published which took a whole heck of a lot of time, especially while still working my day job as a hairstylist. I loved writing the sometimes emotionally painful but always funny David Lynch-esque stories based on my life. With her encouragement, I dusted off a few of my favorites and wrote a couple more, then set about compiling them into this book.
Warning: All these stories are true. Yes, I said true! So don’t send me an email asking if they are, indeed, true. But if you do, I’ll just tell you the same thing.
Life can be strange, sad, funny, and flat out crazy at times, but for me it’s all the time…apparently. Also, most of these tales deal with adult situations so if you’re a tad on the prudish side, you might want to save your money and buy another book. For the rest of you, enjoy! Please excuse any typos, grammatical errors, misspellings, and questionable comma use. I tried my best. No one is perfect. Not even me.

Ten True Tales:
Single Woman Seeks Saran Wrap
Squeaky Gets A New Do
Internet Dating And Adult Diapers
Is That A Grub In Your Pants Or Are You Happy To See Me?
Dear Best Friend
Let’s Make A Deal
Beach + Horse + Sheet Cake = ?
Happy Birthday 

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