Wednesday, August 14, 2013


 Suffering from post traumatic amnesia, Sabella Hall begins to remember her abusive father and discovers an amazing ability. She is sought out by the leader of The Vu, a clan of those with gifts such as hers. As she journeys through using her gift, finding new love, experiencing betrayal, and remembering her past, she faces off against a shocking adversary.

The Vu is more of a fantasy story with a romantic element. We have a young woman, Sabella, with no memories of her childhood prior of age five. Her adoptive parents have given her a wonderful life. however, she's has a set of very special talents. When these powers manifest themselves, she is contacted by an organization known as The Vu. Getting involved with them was a personal choice, but it leads her down path she isn't prepared to take. Her unknown past catches up with her promising future. She and our hero, Jonathan, are star-crossed lovers. Waiting in the wing is another perfectly acceptable suitor, Chad. Sabella seems to have chemistry enough for both of them, but only one get the girl in the end. The "Ah-ha!" moment come a bit early in the book, meaning I can essentially describe nothing more than I have without giving anything away.

I tend to enjoy science fiction and fantasy books. The set up with an trauma-related memory loss blended with her special gifts makes Sabella very sympathetic. Our heroine seems to learn a great about herself and her past on this adventure. What we don't get to see is how this affects her future and what, if anything, these revelations mean in the grand scheme of things. The Vu, a powerful group of magical beings, really don't make their presents known through out the story. I really hope this book is a part of a series. It needs a sequel to explain the loose ends.

The premise was interesting. This book is written in first person but with multiple POVs. Some people don't mind, but some readers do. Like I said, our heroine seems to have good chemistry with her leading hero. She greats on great with the hero-in-waiting. There are some action sequences, but I wouldn't call anything presented as extreme. The language isn't graphic and sex between the hero and heroine is very mild. There is, however, one scene that prevents me from recommending this for a younger audience. It deals with the memory of the aftermath of an incestuous sexual assault of the heroine as a child and is in no way described for titillation. While it makes her a more sympathetic character, it is a subject matter only suitable of a mature adult audience. Anyone could be looking over your shoulder and not really find anything offensive, outside of the before described assault scene.

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